14 Nov 2023
  • A disco ball

WonderLAN Ball: Winn Solicitors Renews Sponsorship

Winn Solicitors is pleased to show its support for the charity, Headway, ahead of its annual renewal of the WonderLAN Ball.

The fundraising event – known as the Look Ahead in the North (LAN) event - takes place on November 16th, with all proceeds raised going to a charity that focuses on raising awareness of brain injuries and supporting those affected by these injuries as they return to a level of normality. This support also extends to their families and carers.

Winns is delighted to sponsor the event once again, continuing our association that started in 2016, with a bespoke package and members of our Personal Injury team attending the occasion.

Under the banner of ‘The Kingdom of Winter’, the black tie event promises a magical journey and takes place at the Hilton Hotel on the Quayside.

For more information about the charity, click here to be taken to their website.


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