16 Jan 2024
  • Girls football team wearing Winn Solicitors' sponsored kit

Winn Solicitors Sponsors Whitley Bay Sporting Club

Winn Solicitors is backing Whitley Bay Sporting Club (WBSC) with sponsorship as it seeks to support youngsters across the region.

As a lead club sponsor, Winns will have its logo adorned on the kit of players across the age groups, a move that will see over 950 players and 50 teams benefit from the strategic CSR partnership.

Focusing very much on helping children in the North East, Winns is rolling out its 'NE6 and Beyond' campaign to support a range of projects and clubs, including WBSC. Their aims - to provide a structured environment in which to develop social skills, teamwork, and foster a team mentality - align with the positive outcomes we wish to encourage through our charity and social responsibility program.

Whitley Bay were delighted to receive the funding and their Head of Sponsorship, Andrew Deans, said: "The generosity of Winns is hugely appreciated and makes a huge difference to every player and coach in the club.

“The club has over 950 players and nearly 200 coaches. The impact of the sponsorship will be felt by every one of them.

“The difference will be seen both immediately and over a number of years. The purchased equipment, such as the mini goals, will have an instant impact on the training pitch. Educating coaches will positively impact the club over a number of years as they share knowledge and bring new ideas back into the club."

Clint Milnes, Winn Group Director - Chief Information Officer, said: “This partnership will help hundreds of children participate in organised sporting activities which comes with significant health and wellbeing benefits.

“Our NE6 and Beyond program focuses on helping the next generation, so this partnership hits all the criteria.

“We’re delighted to support Whitley Bay and help them deliver an outstanding football offering to the wider community.”

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