5 Dec 2016

    Winns Wins Outstanding Achievement Award

    Winn Solicitors was recently recognised on a national level for its hard work and success by taking home the 'Outstanding Achievement of the Year' award at the 2016 Eclipse Proclaim Personal Injury Awards in London.

    Winns was singled out for a special commendation after winning multiple cases at the Court of Appeal this year, leading to positive changes for claimant solicitors.

    One of the firm’s victories ensured that where a Part 36 offer is beaten at trial, indemnity costs are paid in addition to fixed costs. The appeal victory could also encourage more early settlements as it pushes defendants to seriously consider Part 36 offers.

    Legal Director Ghazala Bashey said: “We’re absolutely over the moon to have won the Outstanding Achievement of the Year Award. To be recognised on a national level for our work and contributions to the industry is a phenomenal success for us, and I am very proud.

    “We have a strong, talented team at Winns and continue to support access to justice for innocent claimants. With our hard work and commitment, we will keep paving the way for claimant solicitors while making changes to help shape the industry in a positive way.”

    The Personal Injury awards are now in their ninth year and took place at the Grange St. Paul’s hotel in London last Thursday (24th November 2016), with a record number of 440 guests attending. They provide a unique opportunity to identify and champion both organisations and people across the personal injury claims industry.

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