10 Sep 2015

Winns Retains Hearing Loss Accreditation

Winn Solicitors is delighted to announce that we have retained the Action on Hearing Loss ‘Louder than Words’ charter accreditation for another year.

After winning the accreditation in July 2013, we have worked hard to ensure that we maintain this important standard – an important benchmark in our commitment to supporting those who are deaf or who have hearing loss.

Action for Hearing Loss is the largest charity of its kind, representing ten million deaf and hard of hearing people across the UK. Their aim is to achieve a better quality of life for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

The Louder than Words Charter is a nationally recognised best practice charter for organisations which strive to offer excellent service to both customers and employees who are deaf or have hearing loss.

Lindsey Chapman, from Commercial Services at Action on Hearing Loss said: “Congratulations and well done to your entire team for maintaining such high standards of service delivery to your customers with hearing loss.”

Michael Warmington, Head of HR at Winn Solicitors added: “I am delighted that we have been awarded the Action on Hearing Loss ‘Louder than Words’ charter accreditation for another year. We take our commitment to customers and employees who are deaf or hard of hearing seriously, and we are constantly striving to make improvements so that all of our customers can benefit from the best level of service possible.”

To read more about Action for Hearing Loss, click here to visit their website. 

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