10 Sep 2018
  • CyberEssentials

Winn Group Achieves Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation

Winn Group is pleased to announce that we have successfully achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.

Cyber Essentials Plus is a Government-backed scheme that helps protect organisations against a whole range of the most common cyber-attacks.

The accreditation can only be given to those companies who have undertaken thorough internal review to ensure a secure internet connection, security in their devices and software, and strict control with regards to accessing data.

David Office, Information Security Officer for Winn Group, commentated; “Achieving the Cyber Essentials Plus certification demonstrates the commitment of Winns to take the appropriate security measures, assuring our client’s data is held in a safe and effective IT environment.”

Clint Milnes, Head of Change Management, hailed those whose efforts have seen Winn Group earn this Government standard recognition.

“Achieving the accreditation is not an easy process, and is testament to the hard work, both within in and out of hours, undertaken by David Office and the IT Technical Team,” said Milnes.

“It is equally important that all staff, not just those in security or technical roles,  maintain the high standards required to obtain this accreditation in the first place.”

This accreditation is a precursor to Winn Group seeking to obtain the IS27001 security accreditation. 

Further information about Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus can be found here.

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