17 Mar 2020

Winn Group Statement on COVID-19 Outbreak – 17.03.2020

During this time of unprecedented uncertainty, all of us here at Winn Group is concerned about the safety and well-being of our employees, clients and suppliers.  Therefore, we would like to summarise our response to the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK.

At present, it is business as usual within Winn Group, however, we are implementing procedures that will allow Winn Group to continue interaction between ourselves yet mitigating the risks that COVID-19 poses to us all.

Procedures we are implementing include:

  • Increasing hygiene measures within our offices.
  • Adhering to UK government requirements on self-quarantining.
  • Equipping our employees to work from home where needed.  For the majority of teams, work can be conducted through remote connections, enabling employees to work off-site for most tasks.
  • Comprehensive reviews, at all levels in the Group, to monitor and proactively address any concerns and to retain our focus on our clients, in line with our established Business Continuity Plans.
  • Cancelling all external meetings due to be held within our offices and moving these to alternative platforms such as telephone/video conferencing.

Winn Group continues to monitor the rapidly changing landscape of COVID-19, implementing advice from the UK Government and changing our approach to help combat the virus as and when necessary.

Further updates will be made as/where appropriate should the situation develop, impacting on our business operations.

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