11 May 2015
Cobalt Duathlon raises pulses and money for charity
The inaugural Cobalt duathlon took place yesterday, with hundreds of people getting involved for charity.
The Winns Sponsored event, which was managed by Total Racing International, took place at the Cobalt Business Park to raise money for the Sunshine Fund.
Paralympian Stephen Miller started the event, the first in a series of duathlons and triathlons that will take place over the summer. Those taking part in the Cobalt Duathlon were faced with a 30km course consisting of a 5km run followed by a 20k bike ride and another 5km run.
The fastest finish came in at 01hr 34m 43.5s, setting quite the precedent for future events. Meanwhile, Winns team member Michael Kealy was one of the many to take part, setting a very respectable time of 01hr 34m 43.5s.
Winns would like to congratulate all those who took part, especially our colleague, Michael.
Stay tuned for more information on future events.
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