27 Nov 2015

Action on Hearing Loss

Figures from national charity Action on Hearing Loss show that over half of deaf and hard of hearing people have experienced difficulties when accessing goods or services.

Figures from national charity Action on Hearing Loss show that over half of deaf and hard of hearing people have experienced difficulties when accessing goods or services. Here at Winn Solicitors, we are committed to ensuring that all of our customers can benefit from the services we provide, and receive the same high standard of customer care.

Action on Hearing Loss recently visited Winn Solicitors in order to provide staff training on communicating with deaf and hard of hearing customers. The training involved learning basic sign language, as well an insight into communication from a deaf person’s point of view. The training will be repeated every two years, in order for staff to maintain the skills they have learned.

Natalie Walker from the Customer Service Team said: “The Action on Hearing Loss training was really useful. I learned a great deal about how to communicate with people who are deaf or hard of hearing, which will be beneficial for my role. It’s fantastic to see Winns investing in making our services accessible for everyone.”

HR Officer Colette Adair added, “We believe that all of our customers should be able to access our support, and receive a high standard of service. We are delighted to be working with Action on Hearing Loss to provide training to our staff, which will improve the accessibility of our services for deaf and hard of hearing customers.”

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