6 Nov 2014
  • Responsible young motorists penalised

Responsible young motorists penalised because teen drivers more likely to be involved in a road accident

Teenagers have to put up with a lot. Labelled as grumpy, hormonal, disrespectful and wayward, it’s not easy for your average young adult to shake off comparisons to Kevin and Perry.

It’s a sad fact that even the most responsible young adults who go on to be conscientious and careful motorists have to pay high insurance premiums because of the recklessness of other motorists who happen to be of a similar age.

Statistically, young male drivers are at a much higher risk of crashing than more experienced, older motorists. In fact, one in four fatal and serious crashes involve young drivers despite this demographic only accounting for one in eight licence holders.

Here are just a few of the statistics that lead insurers to believe that young drivers are less safe on the roads, according the to Brake, the road safety charity:

• An 18-year-old driver is over 3 times more likely to be involved in a crash than a 48 year-old
• 20% of new drivers crash within six months of passing their test
• Young male drivers are more likely to crash than their female counterparts
• Young male drivers aged 17-20 are seven times more at risk than all male drivers - but between the hours of 2am and 5am their risk is 17 times higher

What you can do as a responsible young driver

Our top tips to getting that premium down:

- Take your pass plus – get all the experience and accreditation you can to prove to your insurers that you are safe on the roads
- Shop around for a low insurance group vehicle – a 3-litre engine may sound good to your friends, but a small vehicle is more likely to cost a more reasonable amount to insure
- Build a no claims bonus – Get your own insurance policy as soon as financially possible to build up your record of good behaviour with insurers. Alternatively, there are “named driver” options with some insurers that help build your no claims.
- Try telematics – like a black box recorder on an aircraft, telematics monitors your driving style over a period of time. Drive safely and the data will inform insurers that you deserve a lower premium

Young driver? Been in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault? Just because you are inexperienced doesn’t mean you should have to foot the bill for someone else’s mistake. Contact Winn Solicitors today at www.winnsolicitors.com and find out how we can help.

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