19 Sep 2016

Young Drivers - What Should You Do If You Have an Accident?

You’ve finally got your licence, finally found that freedom of being able to take to the roads without the constant annoyance of someone else controlling your every action behind the wheel. It’s a very exciting time.

But in the event you should find yourself involved in a road traffic accident. Would you know what to do? Would you know who to turn to?

Did you know that if you’re involved in a non-fault accident, and you contact Winn Solicitors before your insurance company, you won’t have to pay any excess?

Winns pursue your case on a no win no fee basis, working to get the money you deserve at no cost to you.

After an incident, many insurers process road traffic accidents as claims against the policyholder whether they are at fault or not – not Winns!

Winn Solicitors specialise in the care of young drivers and believe that road accidents should be judged on merit rather than age. Winns pursue the other party’s insurers for full payment, while protecting your insurance policy in non-fault cases.

Young and new motorists already have to deal with large excesses and high premiums before they’ve even pulled off their drive. The last thing you need is to be hit with increased premiums after an accident – especially if the accident wasn’t your fault.

Winns can provide valuable advice on ways to ensure that premiums are not increased after a non-fault accident.

So if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of a road traffic accident, call Winns first on 0800 988 6288, or speak to an advisor using Live Chat. For more information on how Winns can help you as a young driver, click here.

Hopefully your new driving experience will be a safe and enjoyable one. But if you do find yourself involved in a non-fault road traffic accident, make sure you call Winns first – before your insurance company!

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