21 Apr 2015
Scheme Aims to Educate Would-Be Young Drivers
A specialist course is launching to help educate youngsters on the realities of driving.
The inaugural Young Driver event will be held on May 3 in Torbay, and is aimed at introducing 11-17 year olds to life behind the wheel in a safe, controlled environment.
Those who attend will be given the chance to drive around a specially constructed road system complete with traffic signs and specific areas for learning manoeuvres
Current figures suggest that, two out of ten newly qualified drivers crash within six months of passing their test, rising to 40% of 17-year old males. Only 8% of drivers fall within the 17-24 year old age bracket yet they make up a shocking 30% of all those killed in car accidents each year.
Kim Stanton, from Young Drive, said; “With 1 in 5 young people crashing within six months of passing their test, it is vital something is done to help our youngsters become safer drivers.
“We believe it is important to train drivers over a longer period of time and that catching youngsters when their attitudes towards driving are still developing is the key to producing a safer driver.”
Motoring expert and presenter Quentin Willson has been a vocal supporter of Young Driver. He said: "Both my son, age 16, and daughter, age 11, have started having driving lessons with Young Driver. I think it's vital - it's a road safety revolution in the making."
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