19 Jun 2015
  • dads breakdown emergency service

Dads Have Been Voted as the Nation’s Fourth Emergency Service

A study by Green Flag has found that young drivers are far more likely to call their Dad in an emergency than their breakdown provider.

The survey showed that 41% of drivers aged between 18 and 24 would contact their Dad first if they suffered a car breakdown, as they are seen as the most practical and useful person to call.

Perhaps unusually, significantly fewer people (30%) would call their breakdown provider first, whilst only 25% would call their Mum.

Neil Wilson, Head of Operations at Green Flag and Dad of gold medalist gymnast Nile Wilson, said: "It's impressive to see Brits place so much trust in their Dads when it comes to dishing out advice - and although our network of expertly-trained technicians is best equipped when it comes to tackling your vehicle troubles, it's clear to see that Brits have sided with their Dads this time. 

"We wish Dads across the UK a happy Father's Day this year, and hope they're doing the right thing when their kids come calling with car worries – by telling them to contact their breakdown cover provider.”

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