Women's 'nude' cycling kit labelled 'unacceptable'

A cycling team's kit, which made the female riders appear naked, has been described as ‘unacceptable’.

The kit, which belongs to the Colombian women’s cycling team, has been labelled by Brian Cookson, the English president of the International Cycling Union, as ‘unacceptable by any standard of decency’.

The red and yellow kit features a nude panel below the chest, which, arguably, makes the girls look naked from the waist down.

After a photograph of the Bogata Humana team that was taken at the Tour of Tuscany emerged, people were quick to raise their concerns on Twitter.

Among these was Welsh former Commonwealth, Olympic and world road race champion Nicole Cooke, who tweeted: “This has turned the sport into a joke. Girls stand up for yourselves - say no."

The Colombian team, which is backed by the South American country's ministry of sport and is sponsored by the capital city of Bogota, were wearing the outfit to take part in a cycling competition in Italy.

A statement released from the international Cycling Union read: "The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) has investigated the issue of the kits worn by women's club team IDRD-Bogota Humana-San Mateo-Solgar of Colombia, this weekend in Italy, in the Tour of Tuscany, a three-day event registered on the UCI calendar as a 2.2 race.

"The UCI will be sending a letter to the Colombian Federation reminding them of their responsibility regarding article 1.3.046 in the control of regional and club team kits that compete in international events."

Reports in Colombia have indicated the kit was designed by one of the female riders and has been worn for several months.

It has been suggested that the ‘nude’ panel is actually gold in colour but appears lighter in photographs.

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