Tony Blair backs biking
Tony Blair paid Morpeth Road Primary School, Blyth a visit this week on behalf of his charity. The Tony Blair Sports Foundation has been supporting the Bike 4 Health scheme, set up to get children riding their bikes.
Bike 4 Health is working on expanding into schools, so all children have the opportunity to take part in the sport. They’ve been coaching the Morpeth Road school children, and at the tender age of ten, they’ve achieved more than most of us.
The cycle mad pupils are preparing for an enormous 300 mile bike relay to London, something most adults would struggle to do! Just last year, Bike 4 Health took the children to Italy, and toured the country on their bicycles.
Mr Blair made a tour of the bike sheds, and met the children for a question and answer session.
Blyth is one of the most deprived areas in Britain and, with the support of the Tony Blair Sports Foundation, Bike 4 Health has given them great opportunities.
The former Prime Minister’s Sports Foundation was set up with the aim of getting children in the North East involved in sport and fitness, mainly by training and recruiting coaches.
Seven years later, over 4,000 coaches have been trained by the Tony Blair Sport Foundation and are supporting children on their journey to better health.
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