9 Mar 2014
  • Road assurance for cyclists

New service gives cyclists assurance on the roads

Amid soaring levels of UK road accidents involving bicycles, a new service has been launched which aims to give cyclists the same post-crash compensatory treatment as drivers.

In the UK every year there are over 19,000 cyclist casualties, including over 100 fatalities and more than 3,000 serious injuries.*

In many cases cyclists are unaware of their legal rights and unsure whether or not they can claim for their injuries or other losses.

Winn Solicitors has responded with the launch of its new Cycle Service, which will see us handling every aspect of cyclist claims after a crash on the roads in England and Wales.

Winns will report the incident to the cyclist’s insurance company and liaise with all parties involved including third party insurance companies, engineers and repairers.

If the incident was not the cyclist’s fault the group will, subject to assessment, arrange for repairs to be authorised and strive to arrange for re-imbursement for the value of repairing the damage.

Jeff Winn, managing director of Winn Solicitors, said: “Cycling’s growing popularity alongside increasingly congested roads means that accidents involving cyclists are unfortunately on the up.

“While drivers are well aware of what to do in the event of an accident in relation to insurance, compensation and repairs, many cyclists are uncertain of who to turn to and where they stand.”

“Our new Cycle Service aims to address this problem by handling the entire claims process for cyclists and ensuring they are back on their saddle as soon as possible.”

In the event of a non-fault accident, Winns will appoint a qualified specialist solicitor to pursue any injuries suffered. It will also strive to make sure injured parties are not left unfairly out of pocket.

Winns is a specialist independent solicitors which operates a road accident service throughout the UK and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority.

The firm is also a member of the Motor Accident Solicitors Social (MASS), the Personal Injury Panel (PIP) and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).

*Figures taken from the UK government’s Department for Transport’s July 2012 study, reported road casualties Great Britain.

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