17 Dec 2014
  • London's cycling Quietways

London’s cycling Quietways to open next Summer

Boris Johnson has announced that Quietways, a £120m network of cycle-friendly routes, will open next May. They will replace the London Cycle Network and will cut through various parks. The aim is that they will encourage the public to cycle and make it less frightening for those intimidated by vehicles.

Sustrans will be assisting in delivering the innovative network, and whilst only two boroughs will see the routes come to fruition next year, there could be more than 20 Quietways by 2016.

The Mayor said, “If you would love to hop on a bike but feel intimidated by busier roads, these Quietway routes will be perfect, connecting parks, backstreets and waterways to create secret passages through London.

"They will get you where you need to go on a route you might not have known existed until we showed you. They will make cycling much more accessible for ordinary people, in their ordinary clothes, revealing some of London’s hidden gems along the way.”

The new network will be clearly signed, unsegregated and on, as the name suggest, the quietest roads. There will also be improvements to the route itself, to road surface, and to improving flow of cyclists by removing any barriers.

Would you like to see a similar scheme in your area? Could your council afford to create a Quietways network? Let us know your thoughts on Facebook

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