Jeremy Vine stopped for speeding...on his bicycle!

Did you know that London’s Hyde Park has a cycling speed limit of 5mph? We didn’t, and neither did Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine.

He was caught speeding by a police officer last week, and uploaded a video (filmed on a camera on his bike helmet) to the internet.

He had been riding at 16mph, more than 3 times the permitted speed, but argued that he hadn’t seen any sign informing cyclists of such a limit. Whilst the presenter complied with the speed limit after getting a telling off, he believes that there shouldn’t be a speed limit at all, tweeting that it would force cyclists to “return to the roads and mix it with trucks”.

However, he did apologise for speeding on air, promising to stick to the speed limit in future.

Since the incident, The Royal Parks have since declared that there is no legal speed limit for bicycles in Hyde Park – and that the 5mph limit is for vehicles, but cyclists are encouraged to stick to it too.

Confused? So are we!

What do you think? In a highly pedestrianised, busy area is it a good idea to introduce speed limits for cyclists? Or is it unfair to impose such a rule on bikes? Let us know on Facebook

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