6 Oct 2014
  • International car free day

Cyclists dress as cars to prove point

Participants drove through rush hour traffic with brightly coloured frames the size of a car strapped to their bikes, to indicate how much congestion they’d cause had they decided to drive instead.

The stunt was staged in the Latvian capital, Riga, as part of International Car Free Day in September. 

The stunt comes after research was carried out showing cyclists don’t get enough road space to be able to comfortably and safely do their commute to work – or any other journey for that matter. 

There are various cycling campaigns running in the UK at the moment in a bid to push the cycling revolution and make Britains roads more cycle-friendly. Not only do we want to see a greener Britain, but we want a healthier one too.

To show your support and to show that you back the future of cycling on our roads, visit British Cycling to find out how you can get involved.


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