19 Nov 2014
  • Go faster!

Go Faster!

We know that you strive to go as fast as possible when on a bike. The smoke from the tyres is a desire that you’ve had for a while now. So here are some top tips to achieve the speed that you so desperately want.

Think thin

Aerodynamics is key. If you ride wearing baggy clothes or your elbows are sticking out, you won’t go very fast. 

Try and lean into the handlebars to achieve a maximum speed. Although they may be an eyesore, Lycra shoes help with becoming a streamlined cyclist.

Ride with others

Riding as a part of a group can be a great way to save energy and build up speed.

Cycling with one or more people can save up to 30% of your energy, not to mention the slipstream from others.

Slipstreaming is an easy way to build up speed.

Stay energised

An energy drink is a great way to start a bike ride. It may not energise you instantly, but in the long run it will keep you going for that extra mile.

Train, stretch and work your muscles

Achy muscles can cause a big problem for any athlete so you need to time it right. Stretching can cause muscles to relax so avoid doing this before you go out, as it will slow you down.

The best time to stretch is immediately after your ride, during the cool down stage. 

Tyre pressure
Without tyres, where would we be? Probably sat in the shed starring at the bike. Before even thinking about going out, check your tyre pressure.

100 – 120psi is a suitable pressure – anything else will slow you down.

The lighter the better

A heavy bike is a slower bike. The less weight the bike has to hold, the faster you will go.

This could include drinks, bags, the bike parts and even you. The smaller and lighter the rider is, the faster the bike.

Consider replacing bike parts for a lightweight option.

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