19 Jan 2015
  • The cycling game

Feeling lazy? Play the cycling board game instead!

Nobody could blame you for avoiding any outdoor activity at the moment. Icy roads and below freezing temperatures would put anybody off. However, if you’re still keen to get some practice in, you could always play the Kickstarter hit, Cycling Party.

Developed by Snake Eyes Games, a team of Spanish cycling enthusiasts and board game fanatics, Cycling Party combines professional cycling with strategy, making it “the most realistic cycling game, ever.”

The innovative board game even has three levels of play – junior, senior and master. Junior gamers will learn the basics, including pelotons, ascending mountains, and readying for a sprint finish.

Senior players can experience climbing and even crashes. Master level involves using a iPad, making it very different from your average board game.

Back in November 2014, the Kickstarter campaign to make Cycling Party a reality not only reached its crowd-funding goal of $5,000, but it exceeded that amount by over $20,000.

The project has actually been in development for the last decade, so it has taken the team a long time to get to this point. They’ve already shown off their creation to UK Games Expo, and co-creator Leandro Perez finds the British market to be the most appealing, due to “the big quantity of games sold in the UK by the Kickstarter project and the increasing interest in British cycling”.

Hopefully we can expect to see it in British stores soon!


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