18 Aug 2017

Cycling: Do You Know the Road Rules?

There is often debate between cyclists and motorists between the rules of the road for cyclists. But do you know the fact from the fiction? We take a look at some common misconceptions below.

Cycling Attire

In fact, there are no laws around what a cyclist should or should not wear. There is, however, guidelines in the Highway Code, stating that all cyclists should wear a helmet, and suitable clothing, which won’t cause an obstruction while cycling, for example, by getting caught in the bike chain or covering the bike’s lights. Clothing that can be seen is also recommended, for example, light colours than can be seen at night, or fluorescent clothing.

 Bus Lanes

Ever wondered if you can cycle in a bus lane? The answer is yes, in most cases. The signs at the start of the bus lane will show whether cyclists are permitted, but generally they are permitted. However, if you are cycling in a bus lane, be cautious – give any buses plenty of room, be careful if attempting to overtake, and don’t try and go between the bus and the curb when the bus is stationary as this could result in injury.

Riding Side-by-Side

Two cyclists riding side by side is often known as ‘taking the road’, and is something you’ll often see, particularly in rural areas. Motorists are often quick to judge this practice, however, it is a respected cycling practice, often thought to help draw attention to cyclists, helping motorists to reduce their speed on their approach. However, on very narrow roads, it can be a good idea to go down to single file, in order to let other traffic pass safely.

Cycling on Pavements

Under British law, cycling on pavements is not permitted, and is punishable by a penalty fine. However, in reality, this law is very rarely enforced. Some pavements have their own cycle lane, so they can cycle away from the road without the risk of riding too close to pedestrians.

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