Cycling is ‘killing trade’ in Bristol’s Old City

Bristol city council has been making changes to a local area known as Old City to create a more inviting environment for cyclists. Whilst cyclists and pedestrians welcome the change, there are some who say that the disruption could cause them to go out of business.

Teresa and Pietro Tallo run the Europa Italian restaurant on St Stephen’s Street, Bristol, and have done for the last 25 years. In order for cycle lanes to be created, parking spaces outside their eatery were sacrificed and roadworks had to take place. They say that this has led to a significant reduction in profits.

They claim that they lost £14,000 through lost income as a direct result of these changes.

To make matters worse, Bristol City Council are also looking to pedestrianise St Stephen’s Street, which has led to more roadworks. The Tallos were informed by the council that the work would be carried out in May next year, but the work has started now, disrupting their busiest time of year.

The restaurant owner said: “The council can’t treat people like this.

“The cycle lane has been finished and not one person has been using it. People won’t come into the city if you can’t park.”

What do you think? Is it possible to accommodate both cyclists and drivers, or will we continue to see head butting between the two parties? Let us know on Facebook

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