What Should my Employer do if I’ve had an Accident at Work?
If you’ve had an accident at work, your employer should ensure your safety in the aftermath, prior to noting the details of the incident in the company accident log book; depending on the circumstances, they may also need to report the accident to the Health and Safety Executive.
Your employer should have a standardised process to deal with the fallout of an accident on work premises and there should be awareness of who co-ordinates this and how.
How to report if you’ve had an accident at work
If you’ve had an accident at work, there will be a process in place to handle such situations. As dictated by law, a company with 10 or more employees should have an accident log book. This is used to record important information about the accident that has taken place, including the time, date and location of the accident, details of those involved, and also a chain of events to provide the fullest picture of what happened.
Depending on the nature and severity of the accident there may be a legal requirement to report the accident to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), a body that focuses on companies and their legal duty of care to employees.
What types of accidents should be reported to HSE?
There are certain types of accidents that should be reported through a RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) report, including those that result in death, an injury that leaves the employee unable to work for more than seven consecutive days, or specific injuries like amputations, sight damage, and bone fractures.
There is a much longer, more detailed, list that is available on the HSE website which includes occupational illnesses and dangerous near misses.
Helpful all the way, above and beyond, many thanks to Esther who put me at ease right through the process.
What if I can’t work after the accident?
It’s important to check your contract of employment to see what rights you have following an accident at work that means you are unable to conduct your duties.
If it mentions contractual sick pay, you will be entitled to be paid a set amount as set by your contracted terms of employment. You may also have access to an employee assistance helpline if it is part of your company’s benefits offering.
You may also be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay; contact your employer to discuss these options.
Winn Solicitors have been helpful and supportive every step of the claim. Also, the agents that handled our calls have been courteous and patient; I would certainly recommend this company to my friends.
W. Streeter
Could I make a claim?
By discussing your circumstances with one of the team at Winn Solicitors, on a no-obligation basis, you can find out if you’re eligible to make a claim.
Providing the accident wasn’t your fault and you were injured as a result, you may be able to claim for personal injury compensation and other potential out of pocket expenses to aid in your recovery and rehabilitation.
If you’re considering making a claim after you’ve had an accident at work click on the link to be taken to our accident at work FAQ’s page.
Don’t be left wondering what if; give our team a call today.
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