18 Aug 2023
ULEZ Cameras Vandalised
Over 300 cameras designed to police London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) have been vandalised or stolen in the last four months.
A study by the BBC revealed 339 reports to the Met of camera cables being vandalised or the cameras themselves being blocked or stolen.
The ULEZ programme is designed to improve air quality in central London by charging vehicles that don’t meet ULEZ emissions standards £12.50 per day to drive within zones affected, thus reducing the volume of traffic through the capital.
A fierce debate has developed among campaigners seeking to stop the expansion of the programme, which is set to spread to outer London on 29th August, with plenty of pushback from locals who are to be affected by the new charge.
Abbie Mires, a resident in an area with newly installed cameras, said: “It is criminal, but at the end of the day people are trying to prove a point and no one is listening.
“Old people who’ve been using their cars for years and years now have to stop driving because they can’t afford it.”
On the opposite side of the debate, resident Sam Lockwood said: “Maybe they think they are Robin Hood characters trying to help others and if they want to risk it that’s fair enough.
“But I think there are better ways to fight the system.”
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