7 Apr 2015
  • HGV speed limit change

New speed limits for HGVs draws mixed reaction.

Heavy Goods Vehicle drivers have received a boost, with the speed limit for HGVs being raised by 10mph across all roads.

Under the new law, any vehicle weighing in at over 7.5 tonnes can now legally travel at 50mph on any single carriageway and 60mph on dual carriageways.

The change has been met with enthusiasm by truckers and freight haulage groups, who believe that it will not only help them lower running costs and be more efficient, but also help prevent accidents caused by hasty overtaking manoeuvres.

The news has not been welcomed by road safety groups however, as they believe that they have been ignored and that the speed increase will have the opposite effect.

Gary Rae, campaigns manager for road safety charity Brake, said: "We are disappointed that the Government has gone against the advice of road safety groups on this issue.

"The decision to increase HGV speed limits is short-sighted and runs against work to more effectively manage traffic speeds and reduce casualties on our roads. The relationship between speed and casualties is a proven one, so allowing the largest vehicles on our roads to reach higher speeds more often risks more deaths, serious injuries, and additional cost to the taxpayer."

The AA has also offered its opinion on the matter, with its president, Edmund King, voicing a hope that fewer motorists will become less frustrated when stuck behind HGVs.

Mr. King did note however that drivers in smaller vehicles would have to adapt to the new way in which HGVs behave on the road.


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